Risk Factors and Complications of Diabetes

Diabetes is the disease of having elevated levels of glucose in the blood.  If taken lightly, this disease can severely damage your lungs, kidneys, heart, and eyes. It is so common that any of your relatives, family members, or friends would definitely be suffering from diabetes. Therefore, everyone must have the basic knowledge of diabetes,…

Management and Prevention of Diabetes

Diabetes is when you have a high blood glucose level for a long period of time. Don’t know if this is a coincidence or what, but Danger and diabetes, both initiate from the letter D. This is such a dangerous disease that it can damage your lungs, kidneys, heart, and eyes. It is so common…

How to control diabetes naturally?

Diabetes is the disease when there is a chronic increase in the blood glucose level. This disease tends to be so common that anyone from your friends, relatives, or family members, be it grandparents, parents, siblings, would definitely be suffering from diabetes. Diabetes not only affects the overall functioning of the body but it also…

Diabetes- Types, Causes, and Symptoms

Diabetes! Probably one of the most terrifying diseases we all have been hearing about since childhood. It is not hard to guess that for most of you, your grandparents would have been suffering from diabetes or “sugar”, or your uncle? Your aunty? Your neighbour? That irritating relative? Aren’t they? Hope this was enough for you…

Ayurveda for Diabetes

In Ayurveda, there are many diseases that are described in connection with three doshas- Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Among these, diabetes is a very common disease, known for high glucose levels in the blood, and repeated urination or its urge. Diabetes is one of the most severe diseases that can also have a damaging effect on…

Ayurvedic PCD Pharma Franchise in Uttar Pardesh

Ayurvedic PCD Pharma Franchise in Uttar Pardesh Getron Wellness is one of the top ayurvedic PCD pharma franchise in Uttar Pardesh Ayurvedic PCD Pharma Franchise in Uttar Pradesh – The traditional health care of India and one of the world’s oldest medical systems is “Ayurveda”. This ancient Indian medical system known as the Ayurvedic medicine…

Ayurvedic Herbs for Cold, Cough and Sore Throat

Ayurvedic Herbs for Cold, Cough and Sore Throat: The common cold is harmless but brings a lot of pain and discomfort. Seasonal changes are the most common reasons for the common cold but it can also be caused due to the entry of unwanted particles in the airways. Ayurveda claims that an imbalance in any…

Ayurvedic PCD Pharma Franchise in Haryana

Ayurvedic PCD Pharma Franchise in Haryana Getron Wellness is one of the top ayurvedic PCD pharma franchise in Haryana Ayurveda is considered to be the future of the pharmaceutical industry. People nowadays tend to avoid drug-based medication and choose organic methods of prevention and cure instead. The market space of Ayurveda is massive and the…


Piles or Bawaseer is a very commonly occurring disease. It is so common that three out of four adults can have piles at a certain point in time. So, what exactly is piles? What are its symptoms and causes? In this blog, you will get an overview about everything you need to know about piles.…