Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Hair Care

Ayurveda is an ancient medicinal system that focuses on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three doshas in this old Indian system. Diseases, according to Ayurveda, are caused by an imbalance in one or more of these doshas. According to Ayurveda, hair loss is caused by an increase in the Pitta…

Diagnosis, treatment, and Management of Arthritis

Arthritis- the problem of joints. What is arthritis actually? How it’s diagnosed? What is its treatment? And how can you manage it? These are some of the questions this blog will answer.  Arthritis is a disease associated with joint pain, swelling, and inflammation. Having a lot of other complications like restricted movement, reduced ability to…

All you need to know about Arthritis

Arthritis is a broad term used to indicate a number of joint problems. It includes pain, swelling, and inflammation in the joints or tissues surrounding the joint. This is a very common problem and reduces the mobility and movements of joints. Anyone suffering from arthritis hardly stays active and may suffer from anxiety too. There…

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is joint inflammation. It is usually the swellings in the joint or tissues surrounding the joint. It is a very common problem that causes pain and makes it difficult to move or stay active. There are many types and causes of arthritis about we will read about in this particular blog.  Types of Arthritis…

Risk Factors and Complications of Arthritis

Ugh, is your Nani/Dadi also tired of joint pain? Well, we can imagine. In India having joint pain sounds like some traditional thing. But have you heard of Arthritis? Somewhere, right? In this blog, we’ll learn about arthritis, its risk factors, and its complications.  Arthritis is a disease associated with joint pain, swelling, and inflammation.…


Kidneys are the bean-shaped organs present above the bladder. From producing urine to maintaining electrolyte balance in the body, they play a very important role in our body. The word kidney is probably a compound of the Old English cwið, “womb,” and ey, “egg,” describing the organ’s shape. Kidney stones are hard deposits that develop in…

Ayurvedic Herbs for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Arthritis is a disorder in which the joints become inflamed and painful. It’s a widespread issue that affects millions of people. While there are a variety of arthritis therapies available, Ayurveda gives a complete and long-term solution to reduce arthritis pain and support healthy bones and joints. Arthritis is caused by an imbalance of doshas…

All About Diabetes

Not hearing about the name of one of the most happening diseases, “Diabetes” isn’t even a question anymore. Taking the lives of so many people, this disease is no less than a nightmare, it will make you choose between your life or your cravings. Whether one has diabetes or not, he or she must know…